05 February 2025
Dictionary: 2024_10_28
Submission (sheepdog): v2023.06
Portal: Production-6.9.367
indexd: 2023.06
fence: 2022.05
arborist: 2023.06
peregrine: 2023.06
sheepdog: 2023.6
guppy: 2023.06
elastic search: oss:6.8.21
pidgin: 2023.06
nginx: 2023.06 (from quay.io/cdis/nginx)
tube: 2022.05
gen3-spark: 2023.06
NeSI metadata service: 7.0.agdr367
postgres 15.2.0-debian-11-r21
Note: JupyterHub, Kibana are not used and not updated
New and Improved¶
- Rename the Support menu to Documentation.
- Adding a menu item for submitting data called Submit Data to make it easier for researchers to access this functionality.
- Adding a temporary menu for the Advisory Board while we review the About page.